Apple-Picking Baking Madness ~ Peach Cobbler

Okay it's not apples, but I did pick peaches when I went apple-picking on Saturday. Picking peaches wasn't easy. It's not that they are difficult to take off the tree. The peach trees at the farm were high up on a hill and you really had to work your glutes and hamstrings to get to them. Once there, the peach trees were mostly bare because it was late in the season and most of them had been picked through. We found one tree that bore some fruit and I got 2 eating peaches and 3 somewhat green ones that I force-ripened in order to make cobbler.

So today as I was making a monstrous meal for my beau Carlos, I was frantically running from kitchen to computer in search for a good cobbler recipe. Then I remembered that I had made a quite tasty Apricot Cobbler which I had posted on my movie blog. I modified it and made peach cobbler, a great way to use those hand-picked peaches.

Peach Cobbler


3 Peaches peeled and thinly sliced
2-3 tablespoons of sugar (depending on ripeness
Sprinkle of Cinammon

3/4 cup of flour
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 teaspoon of salt
3/4 teaspoon of baking powder
1 beaten egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla
3 tablespoons of milk
1/3 cup of cold butter, cut into small cubes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease your favorite pie dish with cooking spray.

Prepare your peaches and place in a bowl. Add cinammon and sugar and mix thoroughly with your hands (or a spatula, but hands are more fun). You can also add a spritz of lemon juice if you want. Set aside so that the flavors develop.

Mix the dry ingredients in another bowl. Then add wet ingredients and the cold butter. Mix until all the dry ingredients are incorporated. Don't worry about blobs of butter. That's a good thing! They melt during the cooking process and makes the biscuit topping have a nice, sweet crust. If you incorporate all the butter until it's invisible you'll have sub-par biscuit topping.

Add the peaches to the bottom of your pie dish. Then add gloops of the biscuit batter on top of the peaches. Don't worry about covering all the peaches. The batter will rise and spread as it bakes.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes and cool. Serve warm.
Peach Cobbler on Foodista

1 comment:

Jonas Nordin said...

Yum! I have never picked peaches ever! When I was a kid my neighbour managed to grow some tiny peaches against a very sunny wall in his garden, a bit like you grow tomatoes. We were all amazed. The neighbour had started with grapes some years before and after the peaches he literally went bananas, but it didn't work. It simply was too cold a climate for tropical fruit in Stockholm.