Sunday Roundup ~ February 21st, 2010

Zesty Baked Chicken Wings ~ We Are Not Martha - These look damn good!

Monkeybread with Cream Cheese Glaze ~ Smitten Kitchen - Just looking at this thing makes me feel fat and confirms that I need to go on a diet. If I felt skinny, I might try making this.

Blueberry-Balsamic Slow Cooker Pork Ribs ~ Coconut & Lime - This one was a headscratcher. One of the reasons I love this site, is that the blogger is very creative and takes risks with her cooking. I'm not sure I'd make this, but don't let that stop you.

Quinoa with Caramelized Mushrooms, Soy Sauce & Ginger ~ Cookin' Canuck - She loves her mushrooms, her soy sauce and her red peppers! I've been curious about quinoa ever since my friends H. and Lisa started cooking with it. This recipe looks intriguing.

Pickled Green Tomato BLT ~ Closet Cooking - I think I'm in love.

If you want to have your blog considered for future Sunday Roundups, please feel free to e-mail me at QuelleLove at gmail dot com.

1 comment:

Cookin' Canuck said...

That monkey bread recipe by Smitten Kitchen caught my attention, too, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stop eating it!

Thanks for linking to my quinoa recipe. Please try quinoa - I think you'll really like it. And it is so quick and convenient!